
Prison and Probation service Pay Award

The Criminal Justice Workers Union (CJWU) notes the Prime Ministers comment with regards to his shock at the state of the prison system and his acknowledgement that the situation is worse than he thought.

As the new Government plans to unveil its plan to manage prison overcrowding but cutting the time served on determinate sentences, the CJWU would like to remind Labour party MP’s not to forget the staff that they depend on to manage and implement these plans.

Hardworking prison and probation staff have suffered year on year detriment to their pay and terms and conditions, it is therefore essential that the newly formed Labour Government acts to retain staff before heading into the summer recess by releasing and announcing public sector pay increases as a matter of urgency.

The CJWU calls on the Government to ensure any such pay rewards are settled in a timely manner with a return to setting new pay scales in advance of the financial year which starts in April.  Far too often dedicated civil servants working in the criminal justice sector are facing destitution and the need to visit food banks as cost-of-living increases have outstripped their basic income needs.  This has been compounded with year-on-year delays to pay settlement announcements since 2016. 

The CJWU stands ready to support the Government to implement these changes.

Executive Committee

Criminal Justice Workers Union  

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