The CJW Union is again supporting our members who want to complete the annual HMPPS staff survey for 2023.  This is everybody’s opportunity to have their say on their experiences working for HMPPS over the last year, both positive and negative. 

The CJW Union Executive Committee believe that all staff should be encouraged to complete the staff survey. It is an opportunity to raise thoughts regarding your work within HMPPS, it is the only survey that is seen and taken into consideration by HMPPS and the Government regarding staff opinions.  If the survey was to be completed by all staff, it would raise issue of concern that HMPPS and the Government would not be able to continue to ignore.  By not completing the survey, the CJW Union Executive Committee believe HMPPS and the Government will take it you are satisfied with everything that is currently happening within the whole of HMPPS.  This is your opportunity to raise any concerns, as well as raise any positive feedback. 

The Executive Committee would recommend careful consideration of answers when completing the staff survey especially around working conditions, staffing levels and pay,which are key issue the CJW Union believe HMPPS and the Government are failing staff that work in prisons and probation services.  We encourage you to draw from your personal experiences to complete the survey, giving as much detail as possible regarding your thoughts and feelings of what happened and how you were treated.

If you have any question or concerns regarding this notice, please contact [email protected]

Kind Regards

Criminal Justice Workers Union 

Executive Committee.

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